Monday, January 29, 2007

New Years Resolutions

Well, it's been yet another week of climate change headlines with the IPCC preparing to release their latest report reminding us of the seriousness and urgency of the climate change threats, while the great and the good of the WEF have been meeting in snowy Davos and discussing the need for global action to reduce carbon emissions and improve the prospects for skiiing at future summits. Let's hope the news that glaciers are now shrinking three times faster than in the 1980's will encourage them to get their finger out.

Shivering around the table in our ice-house, struggling to believe it's been the second warmest January on record, it's nice to be able to tell the washingqueen that our efforts are part of an emerging global plan.

We're almost a year into our household carbon reduction programme and by the end of this week will have a reliable baseline from which to plot our way into a lower carbon future. After a year of painful monitoring of our gas and electricity consumption, car and public transport usage and other carbon emitting habits, our year end carbon accounting will be followed by the announcement of our 1st annual carbon footprint.

And while the washingqueen may hope that is the end of it, it is really only the beginning. The future is not about measuring your carbon footprint but about reducing it, year on year on year. So, when the numbers come we'll be having a summit of our own with a view to making some New Year resolutions and an action plan to improve the state of the little planet that is our household. I fear the washingqueen may prefer to kick me into orbit.

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