Thursday, February 02, 2006

One foot in the washing basket...

At this point I should introduce myself. The washing queen. Never to be found without a magic basket full to the brim of dirty clothes. Ok that's an exaggeration, but I do seem to do a lot of washing, and tumble drying, and in between drink a lot of coffee, all potentially under threat in this new carbon conscious world. You see, I while I do value my environment, and my planet, and welcome energy saving devices, I also value my own time and energy and the last thing I want to be is permanently up my my elbows in washing while the machines stand unloved in the corner. Unlike carbonlite, I have to balance saving the environment with running a house and managing three young kids on a daily basis in a small village in the countryside. While he thinks up grand schemes, I'll be struggling to adapt to the small ones.

I have joined carbonlite's pledge to reduce our carbon footprint, but I haven't jumped in with both feet quite yet. While I'll do my best to help save the environment, I'm also keen to save my sanity, ensure the kids are comfortable...and still get the washing done in time for school.

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